Great Gardening Online Resources

While taking Master Gardener classes this winter, I learned about some great online gardening resources. Here are a few of them:

Ohioline: an information resource produced by Ohio State University Extension.  Access hundreds of OSU Extension fact sheets covering many subjects including home gardening. The fact sheets provide cutting-edge, scientifically-based information generated via research conducted by Extension and other faculty and staff at the Ohio State main campus and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), often in collaboration with other land-grant university colleagues.

Missouri Botanical Garden:  Founded in 1859, the Missouri Botanical Garden is the nation’s oldest botanical garden in continuous operation and a National Historic Landmark. The Garden is a center for botanical research and science education and includes high quality and current information. Of special interest is the Help for the Home Gardener webpage that has sections that include:

  • Plant Finder database
  • Lawn, Landscape & Garden Design
  • Edible Gardening (Fruit Gardening, Vegetable Gardening)
  • Advice, Tips & Resources (Tried and Trouble-free Plants, Gardening by Month, Common Garden Pests and Problems, Gardening Help FAQs, Kemper Center Factsheets, Visual Guides, Plant Advice & Index, Plants of Merit, and Sustainable Gardening).

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center: The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is The University of Texas at Austin’s internationally recognized botanic garden dedicated to inspiring the conservation of native plants in natural and designed landscapes. The Center promotes its mission through sustainable public gardens and natural areas, education and outreach programs, and research projects. Of special interest is the Native Plants Database.

United States Department of Agriculture: National Agricultural Library: Home Gardening: A great list of online resources.

Happy Gardening!

Terese DeSimio

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